New and improved client portal.
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    Client feedback

    The Trauma Therapy Company wants to know what you’re experience is receiving services from us. Transparency and Collaboration are our core values and your feedback ensures we are doing the best we can in serving you.

    This is your opportunity as a client to offer input regarding the planning, evaluation, delivery, and operation of mental health and trauma services at The Trauma Therapy Company.

    This form is adapted from the National Mental Health Services Survey (N-MHSS), 04/30/2020 edition, through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) in conjunction with U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services (HHS). As required by the Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services.


    Community Feedback

    As part of the Ohio Mental Health and Addictions Services certification and our company core values of collaboration and empowerment, we are seeking feedback from our community.

    Thank you for taking the time in advance to fill out this form. Some of the questions we are required to ask and some are out of our curiosity. You are not required to complete any questions that make you are uncomfortable.

    We are required to seek feedback from a wide range of community interests and demographic characteristics of the surrounding community, such as race, ethnicity, primary spoken language, gender, and socioeconomic status; This is why we ask these questions. You don’t have to answer anything you do not want to.
